I´m getting nervous. It´s my graduation tomorrow and I´m so nervous about my speech as a producer for my class project that I can´t breath. Don´t know why I´m so nervous, this should be just fine! :p I think I´ll go for a walk before I go to sleep and just chill a little bit! Now I´m gona go and finish writing what I have to say!
# posted by super-darling @ 9:54 PM
I´m ruby red

You are warm and inviting - yet a little wild and outrageous.Well aware that you have a dual personality, you work it as much as you can!You like for people to be comfortable around you, but not at the expense of you stealing the limelight.Popular and well known, you make friends easily. You have your big personality to thank for that.
# posted by super-darling @ 11:53 PM
Suddenly, just over a night everything changed. The day is getting so long that when I wake up between 7 and 8 the sun is shining and has been for some time and in the evening it´s dark around 22. -Well of course this has taken a long time. Ever since late December or something the day has started to get longer by every minute. But just suddenly I really saw the changes and it´s great. :) The looking-forward-to-the-summer feeling has come and planing and changing ideas with friends of what we should do have started. Some traveling and hiking plans but most of all the very most important thing! Finding a job. This summer is a little bit different. Cause now I´m not just looking for a summer job, I´m looking for something little bit longer. And something I can start working on after a week. :) I have a job interview this week so we´ll see. But but but... time to go to sleep. After a long sleep to day and a very relaxing day of just reading it has taken some time to get sleepy. But now I´m, and I´m going for that!
Lot´s of love
# posted by super-darling @ 1:46 AM