
Thursday, June 24, 2004

Now you can see how silly Icelanders are... These are straight transelations from Icelandic sayings in to English...
Hope you´ve fun! :D

The raisin at the end of the hot-dog = Rúsínan í pylsuendanum.

I measure one-pulled with it = Ég mæli eindregið með því.

Now there won't do any mitten-takes = Nú duga engin vettlingatök.

I come completely from mountains = Ég kem alveg af fjöllum.

Thank you for the warm words into my garden = Þakka þér fyrir hlý orð í minn garð.

Everything goes on the back-legs = Það gengur allt á afturfótunum.

He's comepletely out driving = Hann er alveg úti að aka.

It lies in the eyes upstairs = Það liggur í augum uppi.

She gave me under the leg = Hún gaf mér undir fótinn.

He stood on the duck = Hann stóð á öndinni.

I teach in breast of him = Ég kenni í brjósti um hann.

On with the butter!!! = Áfram með smjörið!

I will find him in the beach = Ég skal finna hann í fjöru

Let´s show them were David bought the beer = Sýnum þeim hvar Davíð keypti ölið.

A tiny quize about americans (found this in a magacine) :D

True or False?
An Oregon woman was found practicing yoga without any clothes in a busy public park. A disturbed onlooker saw her nude exercise session and called the police. When an officer arrived, he immediately arrested her for public indecency.
A woman in Maine was arrested when police discovered she was making thousands of dollars running a phony online dating service. She posted dozens of pics of herself in various wigs claiming to be different women and then met men for dates.

...crazy people I tell ya!

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