Wednesday, January 11, 2006
To day I realised for real that Christmas is over as I went to my grandmothers house and helped her move her Christmas ornaments to the basement. But the saddest thing is that now I have finished my Peanut butter and Mac and Cheese. I can´t wait to go back to the States and get some more! ;) :pit´s snowing now... but I guess it wont last for long the weather has been like this on and off for few weeks... (raining - snowing - rining - snowing) it´s not fair, it wasn´t like this... sometimes wen I was a kid I couldn´t go to school because of a bad weather, that hasn´t happened for a very, very long time. Think last time it happened was the winter 2000 and my street was closed for two days because of snow. :p
...Sometimes it ins´t always nice and your car gets stuck or it bursts in to your house.
Monday, January 09, 2006

Yes, first day at school and my last semester. Can´t believe it. I´m both happy and sad. I know I´ll love it, but it´s going to be hard. Than there is only one thing, I´ll do my best!
Last Friday we sad good bye to Christmas. Grandma and Ólafía came for dinner and after that I went for a beer and game (New World) at my friends house. Very much fun. But Christmas was great. Got lot of nice things, few books to read and one to make me fatter, it´s about Chocolate (recipes etc.) book on and about films, and so on. And New Years was great. The best party I went to on last year and the best so far on this year. So my grandma came for dinner, and half an hour before the new year we went out and shot up some fire works, went to top of the garage roof and looked over the city and saw all the thousands of fire work people were shooting up. Than I went for some time to my friends house to hang out there for a little bit and at last I went to the party. First my friends thought I was moving but I had my swimming soot with me. The party lasted way to long and I was back home right before my parents went up or at 10:30. It was dark again or 17:00 wen I woke up again ready to do what ever. :)
To bad I can´t fine the plug-in -thing for the camera and the computer so I can´t show any picks I took. But until later... ;)