Sunday, January 21, 2007
For you that have been checking my blog for some time, and now for some very long I haven´t been right on it, I´m sorry. I want to start this re-bloging by puting few picturs I took yeasterday for Mick. We were eating baked beens and ... some word in English that I don´t know over this meet. (meet from a bull and than it´s massed... sth...?)
Now you have that and can see and hopefully fined out what this meet thing is, let me know! :)

Monday, November 06, 2006
24 hours in Reykjavik
(found this great thing in a news paper called ReykjavikMag)
1. hung-over? You should really try out the spa at Hotel Nordica. The soothing waters and myriad of treatments will set you right for the rest of the day. They also have an excellent fitness centre. Noth that there´s much chance you´ll be excited by that particular prospect.
2. eat some breakfast. Prikið do a spot-on fry-up for less than the price of the average house. What´s more, they offer the choice of a British fry-up or an American one - so no more arguing over scrambled or fried eggs and wether to have tomato ketchup or maple syrup. Who in their right mind puts syrup on bacon though, I mean, really?
3. take the lift up to the top of Hallgrímskirkja
(that big cathedral you can see from everywhere). The view is amazing and you can also play the bells game: the looser is the first person to drop to the floor or run for their life when the bells strike. It´s harder than it sounds - especially on a hangover.
4. the late Einar Jónsson is one of Icelandi´s most celebrated sculptors. You can find out why by visiting the sculpture garden and gallery at his old house.
5. feeding the ducks on the city
pond sounds a bit childish - but there are so many ducks, swans and geese that it´s more like feeding the lions. The activity is best suited to those who have no first - hand experience of feeding lions.
6. "go for a walk" would be such a copout of a suggestion, were it not for the opportunity to cross - promote. And the paper talks about there walk of the month.
7. go to Bónus supermarket on the main shopping street, Laugarvegur and revel in the garish colourscheme and the gact that they have a separet room for meat. Maybe buy yourself a can of Egil´s Malt and pounder how a drink that is essentially sweetend Marmite can taste so darn good.
8. laugardalur is Reykjavík´s version og Central Park. But the best thing is that there´s an ice
rink there. All your friends back home will think you´ve gone native when you tell them how you got your skates on with the locals. Just don´t tell them that the rink is actually surprisingly underused by Icelanders.
9. take some time to do somthing cultural. Some suggestions might include the city art gallery, the national museum the natural history musem or the pub.
10. why not paint some ceramics to take home with you? Ceramics for All really want to help get your artistic juices flowing. If you can´t be bothered to take your creations home, why not try to sell them to drunken festival - goers? They´ll buy anything apparently.
11. taking an air tour seems extravagant at first glance - but starting at just 5000 kronur, it could be an unforgettable exprience. Then again, it could be cloud soup up there. This is Iceland after all.
12. alþingi is the world´s oldest parliament and is now situated in the city centre, for your
convenience. Housed in the grand old stone building on Austurvöllur square, visitors are welcome to go inside and have a snoop around the halls of power.
13. sticking to a vaguely political theme, you should make
your way to the city hall which straddles the pond. Inside, there is a giant model of Iceland that takes up an entire room. So big in fact, that you can actually see yourself looking at the model on the model. Well, that may not be true, but it really is rather large.
14. þjóðmenningarhúsið. Go on, say it out loud, I dare you. It actually means "the national culture house" and it´s where the Viking sagas are kept. You can go and see them...
15. if you´re hungry again, you might like a snack. Bæjarins Bestu hotdog stand is the country´s best-loved pylsur (hotdog) dispensary, located down by the harbour near Kolaportið. Alternatively, if you´ve a bigger hole to fill, try out Hlöllabátar at Ingólfstorg. Their generouse and adventurouse subs are crazy good.
16. go shopping of course! You have probably heard that designer gear is comparatively cheap here in Iceland, so feel free to stock up on your Gucci and Dolce, and even your Gabana if you´re so inclined. But you should really try out the local labels. Watch out for Dogma, Dead and Ósoma. Iceland deas good t-shirts. Especially for a cold country.
17. on saturdays and sundays, the city´s flea market, Kolaportið opens up its doors. Located in the huge building by the harbour, you´ll be sure to find a bargain. They also sell a lot of local foods. When you leave, be sure to notice Iceland´s only train, over the road on the waterfront.
18. the settlement museum underneath Hotel Centrum at Ingólfstorg is an accidental hit - being the archaelogical site uncovered during the construction of the hotel. You don´t have to be a history buff to find this interesting.
19. in good weather, the bookshop at Klapparstígur 27 has a chess board and chairs outside for passers by to challenge one another to a game. Who knows, you might attract a bit of a crowd... if you´re any good.
20. right next door, you will see Gallery Lobster or Fame. In addition to all the weird and wonderful exhibits, this is also the home store of Gad Taste records - so you can pick up a few CDs while you´re at it.
21. if the weather is clear, you should really book yourseld onto a Northen Lights tour. No trip to the Nordic countries is complete without having seen the aurora. It´s like visiting Kenya and not going on safari.
22. belly´s bar on Hafnarstræti is much bigger than it looks from the outside and serves the cheapest beer in town. For 350 kronur, you too could be the proud owner of a half - litre of frothy loveliness. I am not referring to the latest Hugh Grant movie.
23. you need to check out Sirkus bar on Klapparstígur. At night time it gets ram packed full of
seriously cool people who go there to revel in its crazy shabby, misfit atmosphere.
24. at the other end of the spectrum, you might like to go for a drink at Rex, Austurstræti, you know - just to see how the other half live. This swanky bar will surely leave you all schmoozed out.
Now, how do you like Iceland?
(found this great thing in a news paper called ReykjavikMag)
1. hung-over? You should really try out the spa at Hotel Nordica. The soothing waters and myriad of treatments will set you right for the rest of the day. They also have an excellent fitness centre. Noth that there´s much chance you´ll be excited by that particular prospect.
2. eat some breakfast. Prikið do a spot-on fry-up for less than the price of the average house. What´s more, they offer the choice of a British fry-up or an American one - so no more arguing over scrambled or fried eggs and wether to have tomato ketchup or maple syrup. Who in their right mind puts syrup on bacon though, I mean, really?
3. take the lift up to the top of Hallgrímskirkja

4. the late Einar Jónsson is one of Icelandi´s most celebrated sculptors. You can find out why by visiting the sculpture garden and gallery at his old house.
5. feeding the ducks on the city

6. "go for a walk" would be such a copout of a suggestion, were it not for the opportunity to cross - promote. And the paper talks about there walk of the month.
7. go to Bónus supermarket on the main shopping street, Laugarvegur and revel in the garish colourscheme and the gact that they have a separet room for meat. Maybe buy yourself a can of Egil´s Malt and pounder how a drink that is essentially sweetend Marmite can taste so darn good.
8. laugardalur is Reykjavík´s version og Central Park. But the best thing is that there´s an ice

9. take some time to do somthing cultural. Some suggestions might include the city art gallery, the national museum the natural history musem or the pub.
10. why not paint some ceramics to take home with you? Ceramics for All really want to help get your artistic juices flowing. If you can´t be bothered to take your creations home, why not try to sell them to drunken festival - goers? They´ll buy anything apparently.
11. taking an air tour seems extravagant at first glance - but starting at just 5000 kronur, it could be an unforgettable exprience. Then again, it could be cloud soup up there. This is Iceland after all.
12. alþingi is the world´s oldest parliament and is now situated in the city centre, for your

13. sticking to a vaguely political theme, you should make

14. þjóðmenningarhúsið. Go on, say it out loud, I dare you. It actually means "the national culture house" and it´s where the Viking sagas are kept. You can go and see them...
15. if you´re hungry again, you might like a snack. Bæjarins Bestu hotdog stand is the country´s best-loved pylsur (hotdog) dispensary, located down by the harbour near Kolaportið. Alternatively, if you´ve a bigger hole to fill, try out Hlöllabátar at Ingólfstorg. Their generouse and adventurouse subs are crazy good.
16. go shopping of course! You have probably heard that designer gear is comparatively cheap here in Iceland, so feel free to stock up on your Gucci and Dolce, and even your Gabana if you´re so inclined. But you should really try out the local labels. Watch out for Dogma, Dead and Ósoma. Iceland deas good t-shirts. Especially for a cold country.
17. on saturdays and sundays, the city´s flea market, Kolaportið opens up its doors. Located in the huge building by the harbour, you´ll be sure to find a bargain. They also sell a lot of local foods. When you leave, be sure to notice Iceland´s only train, over the road on the waterfront.
18. the settlement museum underneath Hotel Centrum at Ingólfstorg is an accidental hit - being the archaelogical site uncovered during the construction of the hotel. You don´t have to be a history buff to find this interesting.

19. in good weather, the bookshop at Klapparstígur 27 has a chess board and chairs outside for passers by to challenge one another to a game. Who knows, you might attract a bit of a crowd... if you´re any good.
20. right next door, you will see Gallery Lobster or Fame. In addition to all the weird and wonderful exhibits, this is also the home store of Gad Taste records - so you can pick up a few CDs while you´re at it.
21. if the weather is clear, you should really book yourseld onto a Northen Lights tour. No trip to the Nordic countries is complete without having seen the aurora. It´s like visiting Kenya and not going on safari.
22. belly´s bar on Hafnarstræti is much bigger than it looks from the outside and serves the cheapest beer in town. For 350 kronur, you too could be the proud owner of a half - litre of frothy loveliness. I am not referring to the latest Hugh Grant movie.
23. you need to check out Sirkus bar on Klapparstígur. At night time it gets ram packed full of

24. at the other end of the spectrum, you might like to go for a drink at Rex, Austurstræti, you know - just to see how the other half live. This swanky bar will surely leave you all schmoozed out.
Now, how do you like Iceland?
Sunday, November 05, 2006

from yesterday morning a very bad weather has been here in hole Iceland. Roofs, windows and loos things are moving, ships braking and the rescue teem has lot to do. People can´t leave the islands and can´t come, no planes going but they are trying now.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Karitas is a single mother of four who desperately tries to make ends meet.

Gudmund's only friend in the world is Marinó, a schizophrenic in his fourties, who lives with his mother in the same apartment building. When Marinó realizes that his mother has secretly been dating a stranger, Marinó starts to loose grip on reality.
Gardar is an underworld enforcer who makes a

CHILDREN is the indipendent first part of twin features by Ragnar Bragason and Vesturport exploring the roles of children and parents.
The second part, PARENTS will also be released in 2006.
Gísli Örn Garðarsson - Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir - Ólafur Darri Ólafsson - Andri Snær Helgason - Margrét Helga Jóhannsdóttir - Sigurður Skúlason - Hanna María Karlsdóttir - And more.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Been around my new favorite webpage and found the Icelandic national anthem in English.
There it says; "Lofsöngur (Icelandic: Hymn), also known as Ó Guð vors lands or Our Country's God, is the national anthem of Iceland. The words are by Matthías Jochumsson and the musical setting is by Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson. As originally written the anthem had three verses, but only the first is commonly sung. As it is generally not taught in schools, Ó Guð vors lands is rather difficult to sing; many Icelandic people claim to be unable to sing it. The lyrics are sometimes criticized for their religious theme: the anthem is essentially a hymn, perhaps consistent with the fact that Iceland has a state church."
Lofsöngur <here you can listen to it>
Our country's God, our country's God!
We worship Thy name in its wonder sublime.
The suns of the heavens are set in Thy crown
By Thy legions, the ages of time!
With Thee is each day as a thousand years;
Each thousand of years, but a day.
Eternity's flow'r, with its homage of tears,
That reverently passes away.
Iceland's thousand years,
Iceland's thousand years!
Eternity's flow'r, with its homage of tears,
That reverently passes away.
And did you know? :)
Main article: History of Iceland
Iceland was one of the last large islands uninhabited by humans until it was discovered and settled by immigrants from Scandinavia, Ireland and Scotland during the 9th and 10th centuries. [3] Íslendingabók (Latin: Libellus Islandorum; English: The Book of Icelanders), written in 1122–33, claims that Norwegian Ingólfur Arnarson was the first man to settle in Iceland, in 870. The families were accompanied by servants and slaves, some of whom were Celts or Picts from Scotland and Ireland (known as Westmen to the Norse). Some literary evidence suggests that Papar (Irish monks) may have been living in Iceland before the arrival of Norse settlers, but no archaeological evidence has been found.
Erik the Red, or Eiríkur rauði, was exiled from Iceland for manslaughter in 980, and set sail to explore the lands to the west. He established the first settlements in Greenland around this time, naming the land, according to legend, to attract settlers. Eirikur's son, Leif Ericson (Leifur Eiríksson), finally set foot in the Americas around the year 1000. While some say he was blown off-course, it is most likely that he was deliberately seeking the land spotted by Bjarni Herjólfsson several years earlier. He is believed to have established a colony at L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland in what became Canada, which lasted only a few years. Despite the short stay, a sizable colony with at least eight buildings including a forge and various workshops was built. Two further attempts at colonization by his brother ended in failure.
The Alþingi (English: Althing, literally all-thing (Þing in icelandic means parliament) or general assembly) was founded in 930, marking the beginning of the Icelandic Commonwealth. It was the predecessor to the modern Icelandic legislature. The Althing is the oldest still-standing, parliament in the world that has written documents to prove its age.
Iceland was a free state, without a king, until the end of the Sturlungaöld civil war in 1262, when it established a personal union with the Norwegian king with Gamli sáttmáli (English: The Old Covenant). From 1387 on, Iceland was in practice ruled by Denmark, following the union of the two kingdoms. When that union was dissolved in 1814, through the Treaty of Kiel, which saw Norway entering a union with Sweden, Iceland became a dominion of Denmark colony. [3] Home rule was granted by the Danish government in 1904, and independence followed in 1918. [3] From 1918 on, Iceland was in a personal union with the Danish king, with foreign relations being carried out by the king, as instructed by the Icelandic government until the World War II military occupation of Denmark by Nazi Germany in 1940. Subsequently, Iceland was occupied by the Allies. The Danish King remained the de jure sovereign of the nation until 1944, when the current republic was founded after the 1918 treaty had lapsed.
The new republic became a charter member of NATO in 1949 and signed a treaty with the United States in 1951 to take responsibility for the defense of Iceland. As of 2006, the U.S. is significantly reducing its military presence on the base in Keflavík [4], while Iceland is trying to find replacement tenants, foreign or indigenous.
The economy of Iceland remained dependent on fisheries in the post-war decades, and the country has had several clashes with its neighbours over this vital resource, most notably the Cod Wars with the British. The economy has become more diverse recently, owing to large investments in heavy industry, such as aluminium smelting and deregulation and privatization in the financial sector. [5] Iceland is a member of the Common market of the European Union through the EEA agreement but has never applied for membership of the EU itself. [5]
There it says; "Lofsöngur (Icelandic: Hymn), also known as Ó Guð vors lands or Our Country's God, is the national anthem of Iceland. The words are by Matthías Jochumsson and the musical setting is by Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson. As originally written the anthem had three verses, but only the first is commonly sung. As it is generally not taught in schools, Ó Guð vors lands is rather difficult to sing; many Icelandic people claim to be unable to sing it. The lyrics are sometimes criticized for their religious theme: the anthem is essentially a hymn, perhaps consistent with the fact that Iceland has a state church."
Lofsöngur <here you can listen to it>
Our country's God, our country's God!
We worship Thy name in its wonder sublime.
The suns of the heavens are set in Thy crown
By Thy legions, the ages of time!
With Thee is each day as a thousand years;
Each thousand of years, but a day.
Eternity's flow'r, with its homage of tears,
That reverently passes away.
Iceland's thousand years,
Iceland's thousand years!
Eternity's flow'r, with its homage of tears,
That reverently passes away.
And did you know? :)
Main article: History of Iceland
Iceland was one of the last large islands uninhabited by humans until it was discovered and settled by immigrants from Scandinavia, Ireland and Scotland during the 9th and 10th centuries. [3] Íslendingabók (Latin: Libellus Islandorum; English: The Book of Icelanders), written in 1122–33, claims that Norwegian Ingólfur Arnarson was the first man to settle in Iceland, in 870. The families were accompanied by servants and slaves, some of whom were Celts or Picts from Scotland and Ireland (known as Westmen to the Norse). Some literary evidence suggests that Papar (Irish monks) may have been living in Iceland before the arrival of Norse settlers, but no archaeological evidence has been found.
Erik the Red, or Eiríkur rauði, was exiled from Iceland for manslaughter in 980, and set sail to explore the lands to the west. He established the first settlements in Greenland around this time, naming the land, according to legend, to attract settlers. Eirikur's son, Leif Ericson (Leifur Eiríksson), finally set foot in the Americas around the year 1000. While some say he was blown off-course, it is most likely that he was deliberately seeking the land spotted by Bjarni Herjólfsson several years earlier. He is believed to have established a colony at L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland in what became Canada, which lasted only a few years. Despite the short stay, a sizable colony with at least eight buildings including a forge and various workshops was built. Two further attempts at colonization by his brother ended in failure.
The Alþingi (English: Althing, literally all-thing (Þing in icelandic means parliament) or general assembly) was founded in 930, marking the beginning of the Icelandic Commonwealth. It was the predecessor to the modern Icelandic legislature. The Althing is the oldest still-standing, parliament in the world that has written documents to prove its age.
Iceland was a free state, without a king, until the end of the Sturlungaöld civil war in 1262, when it established a personal union with the Norwegian king with Gamli sáttmáli (English: The Old Covenant). From 1387 on, Iceland was in practice ruled by Denmark, following the union of the two kingdoms. When that union was dissolved in 1814, through the Treaty of Kiel, which saw Norway entering a union with Sweden, Iceland became a dominion of Denmark colony. [3] Home rule was granted by the Danish government in 1904, and independence followed in 1918. [3] From 1918 on, Iceland was in a personal union with the Danish king, with foreign relations being carried out by the king, as instructed by the Icelandic government until the World War II military occupation of Denmark by Nazi Germany in 1940. Subsequently, Iceland was occupied by the Allies. The Danish King remained the de jure sovereign of the nation until 1944, when the current republic was founded after the 1918 treaty had lapsed.
The new republic became a charter member of NATO in 1949 and signed a treaty with the United States in 1951 to take responsibility for the defense of Iceland. As of 2006, the U.S. is significantly reducing its military presence on the base in Keflavík [4], while Iceland is trying to find replacement tenants, foreign or indigenous.
The economy of Iceland remained dependent on fisheries in the post-war decades, and the country has had several clashes with its neighbours over this vital resource, most notably the Cod Wars with the British. The economy has become more diverse recently, owing to large investments in heavy industry, such as aluminium smelting and deregulation and privatization in the financial sector. [5] Iceland is a member of the Common market of the European Union through the EEA agreement but has never applied for membership of the EU itself. [5]
Monday, June 12, 2006
Now like you know, and I, the summer is here. What surprised me on my way home from work was that after this very rainy day there was snow, 3 quarters, on the mountain next to me. Come on, it´s June ... but I guess this country can always surprise me, and actually this isn´t when I think about it more to surprising cause I know everything can happen here. But, from now, I know this will be a wet summer. If it isn´t raining everyday, it´s every other... :p So I really do hope I can go, to Chicago ... :D ;)
Now like you know, and I, the summer is here. What surprised me on my way home from work was that after this very rainy day there was snow, 3 quarters, on the mountain next to me. Come on, it´s June ... but I guess this country can always surprise me, and actually this isn´t when I think about it more to surprising cause I know everything can happen here. But, from now, I know this will be a wet summer. If it isn´t raining everyday, it´s every other... :p So I really do hope I can go, to Chicago ... :D ;)
Sunday, June 04, 2006
The love story of sun and wind.
The summer is here, the reason I know so is because it´s bright all day long. It took two days to get used to it, and not even that cause it happens slowly and before you know it´s always bright. But beside from that I don´t know if the summer is with us. It has been so cold, a special type of flies have died, well they weren´t supposed to be here.
They just came uninvited few years ago because the weather was so nice, now they died cause the spring has been so cold, snow and stuff. :p Or maybe it´s just the typical Icelandic weather. Once, twice a week the weather is nice, other wise it´s rather chilly. Maybe one of the cold summers have arrived? Or maybe it´s the summer that starts chilly and than becomes warm and great? Or maybe this is just in Reykjavík but will turn out nice some were ells? Now... enough of weather/summer talk and I´m going to have fun :p
...see ya...
The summer is here, the reason I know so is because it´s bright all day long. It took two days to get used to it, and not even that cause it happens slowly and before you know it´s always bright. But beside from that I don´t know if the summer is with us. It has been so cold, a special type of flies have died, well they weren´t supposed to be here.

...see ya...